

Basic Azure Serverless

  1. DO01 - Infrastructure as Code
  2. DO02 - Continous Deployment
  3. DO03 - Measure Performance

Frontend Development

  1. DO10 - Vulnerability & License Scanning
  2. DO11 - Quality Testing
  3. DO12 - E2E Testing

DO01: Infrastructure as Code


The solution shall be deployable on ideally “one click” (or very, very few steps) to new or existing environments (such as Dev, Test, Int, Prod). In case of existing environments it shall be re-entrant and update only new/changed settings. The definition should not be environment specific but work with variables and parameters for specific settings.

Based on your implementation: What are your thoughts regarding:

It is not required that your solution includes everything (e.g. Binaries for Functions or Search Index). In such cases some conceptual thoughts / proposal is sufficent.

Potential Tools / Azure Services

CLI / PowerShell, Resource Manager


DO02: Continous Deployment


Based on DO01, the definition shall be deployed to your Azure subscription on appropriate events in development process.

This may include following aspects:

Potential Tools / Azure Services




DO03: Measure Performance


DevOps (the theme, not the tool Azure DevOps) is about increasing the performance of a delivery team to deliver features more frequently in higher quality. Key for continous improvement is to continously measure the performance and that the delivery team has the ability to gain insights.

Provide a concept and some reference implementation of how according KPI’s may be defined, measured, visualized and made available to the project team and stakeholders.

Potential Tools / Azure Services

DevOps, Power BI


DO10: Vulnerability & License Scanning


As JavaScript packages are sometimes hard to manage there is an automatic check for known vulnerabilities wanted during the CI process.

Elaborate a reasonable solution for this need.

Potential Tools / Azure Services



DO11: Quality Testing


The Frontend-application shall include unit test which are executed during each build.

Elaborate a reasonable solution for this need and provide a reference implementation.

Potential Tools / Azure Services

DevOps, Jest



DO12: E2E Testing


For builds on the main and release branches additionaly stability tests shall be integrated which test the availabilty and correctness of the UI. Initially these may be just some Smoke-Tests (later it may be extended to more complex integration tests).

Elaborate a reasonable solution for this need and provide a reference implementation.

Potential Tools / Azure Services

DevOps, Cypress

