

Application often needs some kind of an event scheduler, which triggers a process in a particular point in time. This schedule must be configurable and could include multiple occurrences in a particular interval. Luckily, the Azure Service Bus provides the functionality of scheduled-messages, even in its most basic plan. Based in this, such an event scheduler can be easily implemented with following advantages:

Getting Started

The snippet implements:

public static async Task ScheduleTrigger(ServiceBusMessage message, DateTimeOffset dueTimestamp, ILogger log, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        await using var sender = ServiceBusClient.Value.CreateSender(Configurations.ServiceBusQueueName);
        var seqNum = await sender.ScheduleMessageAsync(message, dueTimestamp, cancellationToken);
        log.LogInformation($"Trigger scheduled for MessageId {message.MessageId} -> SequenceNumber = {seqNum}");
    catch (Exception e)
        log.LogError(e, "Dispatch message to ServiceBus failed");

Deployment (Azure Resources)

Deploy to Azure
