

The typical pattern for Continous Delivery is as follows

  1. On every relevant branch: Build pipeline with integration of all sources, run of unit and integration tests as well as any other validation and finally creation/publishing of a deployable artifact
  2. On successful build of particular branches: Deploy given artifact to multiple environments (e.g. DEV, TEST, INT, PROD) with approval steps between but without initially build the sources again

The reasons for choosing this pattern are as follows:

Note: Some applications may use a different deployment for development environments (e.g. generation of “debug builds”) and therefore rely on an additional build/release pipeline.

Reference Architecture

The CI-pipeline (Continous Integration -> as well as the CD-pipeline (Continous Deployment -> realize a complete delivery process for a Single Page Application (SPA) hosted in a Storage Account as static website and connected to an Azure Function.

Key Concepts
