Application Insights has a built-in job runner that calls configured endpoints periodically (at either 5-, 10- or 15-minute intervals) from multiple locations and determines their availability as measured by response status and duration.
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) and implement a connectivity check to all dependencies (e.g. database, bus, storage, …) there. Include only dependencies which are included in you SLA (external systems may be not)This Bicep module can directly integrated into the deployment like:
param apiMgmtResName string
param apiMgmtSubscriptionMonitoring string
module availabilityTestApimTestRes './modules.appInsightsAvailabilityTest.bicep' = if(!empty(appInsightsResId) && !empty(apiManagementResName) && !empty(availabilityTestApiMgmtSubscription)) {
name: 'availability-test-apim-test'
scope: resourceGroup()
params: {
resourceNamePrefix: resourceNamePrefix
resourceNameSuffix: resourceNameSuffix
resourceLocation: resourceLocation
appInsightsResId: appInsightsResId
actionGroupResId: actionGrpOrgOpsIssuesResId // Can be empty if createAlertRuleForTest = false
availabilityTestDisplayName: 'Test API'
availabilityTestShortName: 'test'
availabilityTestUrl: 'https://${apiMgmtResName}${apiMgmtSubscriptionMonitoring}'
availabilityTestTypeStandard: true
createAlertRuleForTest: true
enableAlertRules: enableAlertRules
This is fully compatible with a general Alerting Strategy and can be appended to an alerting module that deploys all Alert Rules of an application