Especially for productive environments it may be valuable to get notified of any manual changes (e.g. to make sure they are properly reflected in documentation or deployment scripts)
This Bicep module can directly integrated into the deployment like:
module alertRuleTamperingRes './modules.alertRulesTampering.bicep' = {
name: 'alert-rules-tampering'
scope: resourceGroup()
params: {
resourceNamePrefix: resourceNamePrefix
resourceNameSuffix: resourceNameSuffix
resourceGroupId: resourceGroup().id
logAnalyticsWsResId: logAnalyticsWsResId
actionGroupResId: actionGrpOrgOpsIndicationsResId
enableAlertRules: enableAlertRules
This is fully compatible with a general Alerting Strategy and can be appended to an alerting module that deploys all Alert Rules of an application